Patrick Lazarus


About Patrick

Patrick has completed a Bachelor of Law and Journalism at the University of Wollongong and is a lawyer in our personal injury division and criminal law team.

Patrick chose to study law as he viewed it as a unique opportunity to help members of society who have suffered severe consequences, often through no fault of their own.  He particularly enjoys applying the law to individual situations people find themselves in, to find a solution that helps them, and their personal circumstances best.

Career Highlight

Assisting clients navigate their personal injury claims is something that brings great satisfaction to Patrick daily.  He is particularly grateful for the opportunity to support those who have been injured and witness them reclaim their lives.  Working to be a pillar of surety for the firm’s clients during difficult times is very fulfilling for Patrick.

Why Foye Legal

“The team at Foye Legal are not only knowledgeable, outstanding professionals, but extremely supportive and create an excellent environment for me to learn and foster my skills in various areas of law. Foye Legal also truly stands up for their values and principles and wholeheartedly gets behind important community initiatives. This, among many other things makes me a very proud employee of the firm.” – Patrick

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